Unlocking Talent,

Empowering Students

At Student Paddy, we see a future where screen time and practical experience will determine career readiness for the modern workforce. To this end, we’ve built a comprehensive talent management solution that helps Higher Institutions to securely track, improve and validate the career readiness of undergraduate students beyond the classroom.
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Up-skilling & Networking
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Keep track of up-skilling hours
Stream skill-based content
Earn badges stored on the blockchain
Connect with campus peers
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Talent Mining & Monitoring
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Job Placement & Tracking
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Student Paddy is a productivity multiplier for Students, Higher Institutions, and Employers online.
Our comprehensive approach towards talent management creates value out of the screen time and practical experience of undergraduate students outside the classroom in order to tangibly streamline collaboration between higher institution and employer placement teams.

Unlike other brands, Student Paddy is focused on empowering students for the future of work by using their screen time and practical experience to determine their career readiness.
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Our placement programs prepare students for success in the modern workforce and to gain industry skills, get guidance, and get paid while studying.
We do this by providing quality work from skilled and recommended undergraduate student interns under professional guidance to support business growth on a budget quarterly.
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Want to know more? Reach out to us today!